12 Brush Cutting Tips to Maximize Productivity

12 Brush Cutting Tips to Maximize Productivity

The following brush cutting tips will save you time, energy, and hopefully the budget for your brush removal projects.

Brush Cutting Tip #1: Dress for Safety & Comfort. Be sure to dress for the weather while wearing as little loose clothing as possible. It’s also a good idea to wear brightly-colored clothing to make yourself visible to others.

Brush Cutting Tip #2: Give the area a walk-through before cutting. Areas that need brush mowing can be filled with stumps, rocks and trash. Make sure to go through the area to find and, when possible, remove these items. Your brush cutter will thank you for it!

Brush Cutting Tip #3: Mark any obstacles. Once you have done the walk-through, it’s a good idea to mark any obstacles that cannot be removed from the cutting area with fluorescent tape or cloth. That way you’ll see those stumps and rocks before your brush mower meets them.

Brush Cutting Tip #4: Clear people, animals and valuables from the area. Before brush cutting, make sure there are no people (especially children), no pets and no valuables such as parked cars or exposed windows in the cutting area.

Brush Cutting Tip #5: Mind the weather! When possible, it’s best to do your brush cutting when the weather is dry but not hot. Wet weather can lead to accidents while hot weather can wear you out.

Brush Cutting Tip #6: Brush Cut at the best time of day. Mornings can often be the best time to do your brush cutting. Since a lot of brush cutting is done in summer, morning will be the time of day that is both cool and bright which will make it easier and safer for you.

Brush Cutting Tip #7: Check the cutting height! When cutting an area for the first time, it’s a good idea to use a higher cut. Then, on the second cut, you can lower the cutting height for a finer cut.

Brush Cutting Tip #8: Use a brush cutter with a locking differential when mowing on slopes or rough ground. The Orec Samurai Brush Mower features a locking differential that will make your life so much easier if you are mowing on slopes, rough ground or wet ground.

Brush Cutting Tip #9: Cut the brush at half the width of the deck. When making your rows, it is best to cut at half the deck width. This way you’ll ensure that no grass is left standing.

Brush Cutting Tip #10: Let the mower do its work! You will cut more of that brush if you slow down to let the blades do their job. If you go through the area at too high of a speed, your mower will leave grass and other brush standing. Do the job right once and you won’t have to do it again for a long time!

Brush Cutting Tip #11: Mow “side slope” instead of straight up and down the slope. If you have to mow on slopes, it can be safer to mow along the slope from side to side, rather than walking straight up and down the slope with the brush cutter. A side-to-side direction makes it less likely the mower gets away from you

Brush Cutting Tip #12: Take a rest when you need it! Brush cutting requires rest just like any other form of exercise, especially because it is often done in warm weather. If you are beginning to feel light-headed and/or tired, take a rest and drink some fluids. Don’t worry—the brush will still be there when you get back!

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